Saturday, 7 February 2009

Behind scale

How scale works

Continue the idea of Ready-made and give one more significant concept which is scale. People recognise scale depend on two main methods mainly experience and comparison. Obviously, our experience leads us to identify and distinguish what we are looking at and tell us what the scale of matters or objects should be. Due to comparison, we can also identify what the scale of matter is. However, one of the matters in comparison should be the object that we have known the scale; otherwise, it is difficult to compare.

The idea of ready-made and reorganisation can break people's experience about what the everything should look like. Furthermore, try to use micro-camera and LED torch to catch the view of the new composition in very detail and then project in very huge view on the wall, which may completely blur the scale of everything single object.

Actual and virtual scale and space

This new composition is defined as a micro site and landscape. The micro-camera is a tool in vision to extend and develop this site. All single objects are put together with new meaning and method of combination to build the imaged landscape. There are three different scales and specific ways to see and observe this site.

1. With micro-camera go through to catch the view of the site very closed in quite small detail and project into huge view --- Although micro-camera catches the view very closed in very small detail, it is projected into a huge scale on the wall, which seems to be people walking in the city and watching many thing in the street. The actual scale is tiniest inside the model while the virtual scale is as huge as urban scale on the wall.

2. With micro-camera walk around to catch the view of the site in fragment in medium distance (not as closed as 1) and project into huge view --- In this medium distance and scale,the fragment of views compose the image of what the site looks like piece by piece which seems to be people walking and watching around the building. Actual and virtual scales here are difficult to identify. The actual scale is exactly between tiniest (model's detail) and largest (whole model). The virtual scale is between city and object.

3. Without any equipment, watch the site with original scale --- After people saw the previous two different scales and then see the actual scale of site, they may wonder and doubt what they actually scale of model and view they have seen before is, especially when people watch model very close and look at some very tiny parts that they have seen the same parts in the huge view.

The actual and virtual scale and space were reversed and blurred via micro-camera, projector and slight LED torch with three specific ways in watching which may also blur the definition of boundary in architecture concurrently. The boundary of architecture and definition may be changed depend on different scales and way to look at.

Internality and externality

When people watch the model with original scale, they may see only external shape, structures and materials while using the micro-camera going through around the model can see more details inside. Both different specific ways to see the model represent the different scales people experience the scale of interior, architecture and city in the daily life. Due to these differences, when view of micro scale is projected into huge scale on the wall and also see the model's outside scale smaller than its inside detail simultaneously, the internality and externality of model in scale might be reversed and blurred. The main reason is people generally can identify the difference between internal and external space. In this model, however, the blurry part not only actual and virtual scale but the boundary between internal and external space. Although there are many tiny details were made including surfaces and structures to make up whole model, the boundary between internal and external is tend to be ignored. In the process of producing model, every object is put to cover some part of model and also be covered by others, which is no necessary to divide inside and outside.
Therefore, it can be said this model have both characteristics between internality and externality; moreover, some parts of model have both features. In other word, the boundary between internality and externality is going to be blurred because of the switch of the actual and virtual space and unclear division of inside and outside characteristics.