Thursday, 22 January 2009
Ready-made and Deconstruction
The last three photos are to describe the same idea but with two different stuff. When two different matters are put together, one matter could change the other one depend on how one matter uses the other one. They create their relation together. In the word's system on the other hand, I need to create new words to match their specific new meanings or forms. 1. Form:same Meaning:changed - when pens are put into the cup, the cup's meaning is different. Therefore, put their words together to represent original meaning of the word"cup" to create the new word which is "pen-cup". 2. Form:changed Meaning:same - use the rubber band to tie up the pens. they are still the pens but multi-pen or big pen even though the original shape have been changed. Thus, create the new word "rubber-pen" to represent the word"pen". 3. Form:changed Meaning:changed - completely broke the cup and put them on the clay as a defender on the outside wall. the meaning and shape of cup has completely changed as a part of clay. Hence, use the new word"cup-clay" stand for "cup".
These new words are just the words which are not really useful if I didn't use them. Therefore, after that, I wrote a short paragraph to describe my room and put these seven words to represent some words from the paragraph gradually. There are three steps in representations. 1.represent objects 2.represent verbs 3. represent subjects Three steps will gradually destroy the original paragraph which means it is going to be difficult to read from one word to one sentence and to whole paragraph, and finally, the new words will have their own system in this paragraph which exists with the original system.
Original Paragraph
My room is a standard study room, where is an oblong including a big desk, a single bed, a cabinet, an unmovable bookshelf on the wall, and a big window toward Camden town. Sometimes sunshine comes through the window into the room and makes room be more bright and dynamic. In addition, I brought a lot of architectural books and some relevant documents from Taiwan putting on the bookshelf as the references which might enlighten and motivate me in design. Also, I collected some interesting leaflets and postcards sticking on the wall everywhere making my room messy but interesting. Surely, I also bought some design and artistic books here especially when I went to see some exhibitions which are always put around me; therefore, I can get them quickly when I need. As a student, laptop as a 3d model producer is a second life to me especially for my project although I also quite enjoy doing some model by hand, and it is also a connecter to me between London and Taiwan. Overall, I quite like and enjoy studying in my room.
My pen-cup is a standard study rubber-pen, where is an oblong including a big cup-clay, a single pen-cup, a rubber-pen, an unmovable cup-clay on the wall, and a big pen-cup toward Camden town. Sometimes cup-clay comes through the window into the rubber-pen and makes rubber-pen be more bright and dynamic. In addition, I brought a lot of architectural pen-cup and some relevant documents from Taiwan putting on the rubber-pen as the references which might enlighten and motivate me in design. Also, I collected some interesting cup-clay and pen-cup sticking on the wall everywhere making my rubber-pen messy but interesting. Surely, I also bought some design and artistic pen-cup here especially when I went to see some cup-clay which are always put around me; therefore, I can get them quickly when I need. As a student, pen-cup as a 3d model producer is a second life to me especially for my project although I also quite enjoy doing some cup-clay by hand, and it is also a connecter to me between London and Taiwan. Overall, I quite like and enjoy studying in my rubber-pen.
My pen-cup mug a standard study rubber-pen, where mug an oblong including a big cup-clay, a single pen-cup, a rubber-pen, an unmovable cup-clay on the wall, and a big pen-cup toward Camden town. Sometimes cup-clay tub through the window into the rubber-pen and mug rubber-pen be more bright and dynamic. In addition, I tub a lot of architectural pen-cup and some relevant documents from Taiwan putting on the rubber-pen as the references which mug tub and mug me in design. Also, I tub some interesting cup-clay and pen-cup sticking on the wall everywhere making my rubber-pen messy but interesting. Surely, I also mug some design and artistic pen-cup here especially when I tub to see some cup-clay which mug always put around me; therefore, I tub mug them quickly when I tub. As a student, pen-cup as a 3d model producer mug a second life to me especially for my project although I also quite tub mug some cup-clay by hand, and it mug also a connecter to me between London and Taiwan. Overall, I quite tub and mug studying in my rubber-pen.
Upc pen-cup mug a standard study rubber-pen, where mug an oblong including a big cup-clay, a single pen-cup, a rubber-pen, an unmovable cup-clay on the wall, and a big pen-cup toward Camden town. Sometimes cup-clay tub through the window into the rubber-pen and mug rubber-pen be more bright and dynamic. In addition, cup tub a lot of architectural pen-cup and some relevant documents from Taiwan putting on the rubber-pen as the references which mug tub and mug cup in design. Also, cup tub some interesting cup-clay and pen-cup sticking on the wall everywhere making upc rubber-pen messy but interesting. Surely, cup also mug some design and artistic pen-cup here especially when cup tub to see some cup-clay which mug always put around cup; therefore, cup tub mug them quickly when cup tub. As a student, pen-cup as a 3d model producer mug a second life to me especially for upc project although cup also quite tub mug some cup-clay by hand, and it mug also a connecter to cup between London and Taiwan. Overall, cup quite tub and mug studying in upc rubber-pen.
In the next test, I destroyed my room step by step,and the purpose was to change the function as a study room. Thus, I removed everything from my room gradually and also put them back but in different ways which reflected the same meaning and method from the idea of deconstruction paragraph. Different way means take out their original meanings and functions ,and give them new one.
In the paragraph, the original content and description will be changed gradually until reaching a point and they will completely destroyed and unrecognisable, which is critical point of this paragraph. When I look back the photos I recorded about my room, I found the function of study room was very clear until I removed the desk. Therefore, I erased the desk first before I removed everything. At that moment the room was much weak in recognition as a study room than previous set of photos. The desk, this element could be the main matter to define the study room which can be compared with critical point.